NYS_CO.csv: State level carbon monoxide hospitalization data from years 2000 through 2018. Emergency Department (ED) Visits data and Hospitalization data was provided by the Bureau of Biometrics and Health Statistics, New York State Department of Health in 2018. For more information about hospitalization data please visit http://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/sparcs/ Data fields (in order of which they appear): VARIABLE DESCRIPTION --------- ----------- Indicator ED Visit or Hospitalization County 777: New York State 888: New York City 999: New York State Excluding NYC Year Year of admission to hospital subgroup1 Cause: Fire-relatedness of ED visit or hospitalization Month: Month in which ED visit or hospitalization occurred Place: Place of Exposure Total: Total ED visits or hospitalizations subgroup_cat1 Cause F: Fire related cause N: Non-Fire realted cause U: Unknown Month 01 through 12 indicate January to December Place H: Home, a non-institutional, private home/apartment or private yard W: Work, a workplace not typically open to the public S: Sport, a public park or public or private place of amusement P: Public, a public building or institutional home O: Other U: Unknown Total 99: Total aaRate100K Age-Adjusted rate per 100,000 person-years count Number of ED Visits or Hospitalizations cRate100K Crude Rate per 100,000 person years -------------------------------------------------------------------- State population: Population estimates used for calculating CO ED visit and hospitalization rates were taken from the U.S. Census Bureau. Annual population estimates for 2000-2010 are taken from the county intercensal tables and county intercensal datasets. Annual population estimates for 2011-2018 are from county population by characteristics 2010-2018.