Prehospital PECC In NYS



A Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator is an individual or individuals who are responsible for coordinating pediatric-specific activities. A designated individual who coordinates pediatric emergency care need not be dedicated solely to this role; it can be an individual already in place who assumes this role as part of their existing duties. The individual may be a member of your agency, or work at a county or region level and serve more than one agency.

A Prehospital Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) in New York State is responsible for:

  1.  Being a resource for education on pediatric medications, equipment, and supplies;

  2.  Promoting and sharing pediatric continuing-education opportunities;

  3. Encouraging pediatric simulations/hands on pediatric skills assessments;

  4. Encouraging that fellow providers follow pediatric clinical-practice guidelines.

A Prehospital Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) in New York State can be: Individual within the agency dedicated solely to the PECC role; multiple individuals within the agency sharing the PECC role; individual within the agency with the PECC role as an additional duty; Program Agency serving a region as the PECC; or other individual serving multiple agencies or for a region as the PECC.

Submitting Individual's Information
Agency Address
PECC Coordinator
PECC Coordinator
PECC Coordinator
PECC Coordinator
PECC Coordinator