EMS Salary Survey

Are you currently employed in a full-time or part-time position as a paid EMS provider?
What is your current level of EMS certification?
What is your position in the EMS agency where you currently work? (Select all that apply)
On average, how many hours do you work per week (total for all of your EMS jobs)?
What is your approximate annual income from EMS (all of your EMS jobs)?
What type of agency is your PRIMARY EMS employment?
How many EMS agencies are you PAID to work for?
How many years of experience do you have as an EMS provider?
How satisfied are you with your current wage as an EMS provider?
How satisfied are you with your current job as an EMS provider?
Does your employer offer any benefits? (Select all that apply)
How much of a factor does having a defined pension play in you staying in EMS long term?
How much longer do you plan to remain in the EMS field?
What would be your reasons for your departure, if you plan to leave the EMS field? (Select all that apply)
Have you ever considered leaving the EMS profession for a different healthcare profession?
Would you be more willing to remain in EMS as a full time profession if you were afforded more opportunities for advancement with recognized credentials and career opportunities?
Which specialized credentials would you want to see as a former designation by the state EMS system?
Do you believe you can have a long term career in EMS?
What factors, if any, contribute to you staying in your career in EMS? (Select all that apply)
Have you ever experienced burnout or compassion fatigue in your role as an EMS provider?
Have you ever experienced a traumatic event or incident while working as an EMS provider?
If you have experienced a traumatic event or incident, did you receive any formal or informal support from your employer or colleagues?
In which county(ies) do you currently work as an EMS provider? (select all that apply)
What is your age?
What is your sex?
What is your race and ethnicity? (Select all that apply)
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
What is your current hourly base wage, without adjusting for overtime and specialty pay?
Based on your current level of care, what do you feel would be a fair wage that would motivate you to stay in the EMS field long-term? (Please answer honestly and candidly based on your current level of care)