Course Sponsor Administration

  • Current Type of Submission
  • Sponsorship Information
  • Key Personnel
  • Sponsorship Uploads
  • Submission Affirmation
  • Complete
Application Type - Select One
You must select what type of application you are submitting. 

New Sponsorship- Use if you are submitting your final application for a new course sponsorship. Use only if you have contacted BEMS staff, submitted your Letter of Intent, and have already met with BEMS staff. This is your final submission. If you have not, please stop and email us at 

Sponsorship Renewal- Use if you are renewing and submitting a "short" or "long" form renewal. 

Sponsorship Update- Use if you are looking to update contact information, location info, or any type of sponsor information. 

Sponsorship Upgrade- Use if you are looking to upgrade the type of courses you are able to provide. (i.e. BLS to AEMT). 

Type of Sponsorship
Sponsors who run certification courses for one or more provider levels.
Sponsors who support regional education by running instructor courses.
Certification Courses
These are courses that you are currently offering. 
Original, Refresher, and CME
Original, Refresher, and CME
Original, Refresher, and CME
Information You Want To Update
What information are you looking to update? 
Name, address, phone number, etc.
Update info on the Administrator, Medical Director, etc.
Policies, instructors, inventory, calendar, field internship or clinical info.

You have selected to submit an application for a new course sponsorship or an upgrade. If you have not submitted a letter of intent and met with Bureau staff about this application, do not proceed any further. Please email us at  

This application is for final submission only.