The New York State (NYS) Asthma Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of asthma in the state and serves as a resource for policymakers, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders. The Dashboard is leveraged to guide strategic actions, target interventions to serve the highest risk individuals with asthma, support populations facing a disproportionate burden of asthma, and drive the expansion of evidence-based asthma interventions and policies supportive of asthma control. It is regularly accessed by internal and external partners to obtain current and historical data on populations with asthma including state, county, and sub-county level indicators with breakdowns for socio-economic factors for the total NYS population and the NYS Medicaid Managed Care population. New resources will be added often. Please check back frequently.
The state asthma dashboard includes 44 asthma-related indicators including data for emergency department visits, hospital discharges, mortality, asthma prevalence, asthma health care utilization, and costs. For 23 of those indicators, drill-down data and visualizations for major socio-demographic factors (e.g., age group, race/ethnicity, sex, region, income, education, etc.) are provided.
Each of the 62 counties in the state has their own dashboard with data for 29 indicators. Maps, trend graphs, and data tables are available from the county dashboard views.