Physician Misconduct and Physician Discipline

Physician Information

Physician Information

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Physician Records

 Physician Last Name:Saulle
 Physician First Name:Richard
 Physician Middle Name:D
 Address:Address redacted
 License Number:115650
 License Type:MD
 Year of Birth: 1941
 Effective Date:11/24/2011
 Action Description for DOH Webpage:Censure and reprimand with probation for three years and $5,000 fine. The physician has a permanent license limitation requiring the presence of a chaperone when examining and/or treating any patient.
 Misconduct Description for DOH Webpage:The physician could not successfully defend against at least one of the acts of misconduct alleged in the Amended Statement of Charges, which included charges of willfully harassing, abusing or intimidating a patient; moral unfitness; gross negligence; fraudulent practice and failing to maintain accurate patient records.
  License Limitations or Conditions for DOH Webpage: The physician has a permanent license limitation requiring the presence of a chaperone when examining and/or treating any patient.
 Board Order:
BRD 115650.pdf