Physician Misconduct and Physician Discipline

Physician Information

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Physician Records

 Physician Last Name:D'Angelo
 Physician First Name:Carmen
 Physician Middle Name:A
 Address:485 Titus Avenue, Suite D Rochester, New York 14617
 License Number:163205
 License Type:MD
 Year of Birth: 1957
 Effective Date:08/04/2008
 Action Description for DOH Webpage:License revocation
 Misconduct Description for DOH Webpage:The Hearing Committee sustained the charges finding the physician guilty of gross negligence;negligence on more than one occasion; engaging in conduct which evidences moral unfitnes; abuse of a patient and failure to maintain accurate records. On June 27, 2016 the New York State Education Department Board of Regents denied the physician's petition for the restoration of his New York State medical license.
  License Limitations or Conditions for DOH Webpage:
 Board Order:
REGENTS 163205.pdf