Physician Misconduct and Physician Discipline

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 Physician Last Name:Eltabbakh
 Physician First Name:Gamal
 Physician Middle Name:
 Address:Lake Champlain Gynecologic Oncology, 1060 Hinesburg Road, Suite 301, South Burlington, Vermont 05463
 License Number:199493
 License Type:MD
 Year of Birth: 1953
 Effective Date:06/07/2022
 Action Description for DOH Webpage:The Hearing Committee sustained the charges of misconduct but imposes no penalty.
 Misconduct Description for DOH Webpage:The Hearing committee sustained the charges finding the physician guilty of committing professional misconduct by having been disciplined by the Vermont Board of Medical Practice for failing to comply with Federal or State statutes or rules governing the practice of medicine or surgery.
  License Limitations or Conditions for DOH Webpage:
 Board Order:
CHRG 199493.pdf
HRG 199493.pdf