The Food and Nutritional Services Department at the New York State Veterans' Home at St. Albans provides nutritional meals to all the residents of the Home.
Dining areas on each unit afford residents, a smaller home-like eating area while under the care of our Nursing staff or if they choose a quiet meal can be provided. The residents benefit from our state of the art "Heat On Demand" tray system that assures hot, nutritious meals for each resident.
All residents receive not only the meal plan prescribed for them by our Medical Staff, but snacks throughout the day. Every effort is made to meet the personal wisher of our residents at meals and at snack time. The facility's resident menu is a four week cycle menu that affords each resident a minimum of two choices per meal but can be up to, six choices per meal. This is in addition to any personal food preference a resident may have. Residents are encouraged to participate in the facility's menu planning at the monthly meeting of the Food Committee, which is open to all residents of the Home.
The Medical Nutritional Care of our residents in handled by a full time team of two Registered Dieticians and three Diet Technicians. The clinical staff is available to discuss meal preferences with residents and family members. The team works closely with the Medical Staff, the Speech and Language Pathologist and the Nursing Staff to provide a dietary regime that maintains or improves the nutritional health of our residents. Residents requiring tube feedings and mechanically altered diets as well as those able to tolerate a regular diet are all closely monitored by the clinical nutrition staff.